
  • 001-Core Programming: Why Bother to Improve Your Coding?

    Which door represents your code? Which door represents your team or your company?
    Why are we in that room?
    ... The answer is: craftsmanship.
    — Uncle Bob Martin
    (From the book, Clean Code, by Uncle Bob Martin.)

    Uncle Bob has provided a tremendous improvement in my coding life.

    Truth be told, I am not a very good programmer.
    On a scale of 1 to 10, where "1" is a guy who's just written his first, "Hello World," and "10" is Bill Gates (when he was younger), I put myself at "4.5."

    Sure, I do some cool stuff, and, as a designer, I'm about a "12," but my skill set is very vertical. That is, I only learn what I absolutely have to learn. Probably we have this in common.

    Until the last year or so, I was completely self-taught. It was then that I had a couple of problems to solve that I just didn't know how to do and I decided that I could spend (say) 40 hours figuring out the HOW or I could pay someone to show me.

    Simple business decision. 40 hours of my time vs. 1 hour of someone else's time for about $80. Since I value my time at far more than $2 per hour, it was a clown question.

    "Yes, but I don't do this for a living."
    No, you probably don't.
    Any more than you are a professional horse player, but you still take your handicapping seriously, right?
    DEADLY SERIOUS, I'd guess.

    Since the effectiveness of your software is a key element in your handicapping success, the ability to write good code - AND TO DO IT QUICKLY - could positively impact your end result.

    Final Thoughts
    One of the coders I have great respect for told me that he watched a video a few years back where a company did screen videos of all its programmers. Then they studied them.

    What they found was that most programmers spent a whopping 95% of their time looking for old code!

    NINETY-FIVE... PERCENT... of their time.

    When I heard that, I said, "Oh, that's crazy. Certainly not me."
    Later that same day, I spent over an hour looking for code with HSH because I knew I had done it before and KNEW that it worked.

    If that characterization is even remotely close to true - even if it is only 75% of the time - that means for every hour we spend, we waste THREE!

    Imagine if you could learn new skills that make those things that you do not know how to do not only possible, but fun and exciting to do.

    Imagine what it would do for your mind.
    Your game.
    Your joy of life.

    I invite you to stop being a programmer and become a BAD ASS CODER.

    What are your thoughts?


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