• Mark
    I would say can you have it automatically sort on the top odds horse for each race?
  • RanchWest
    I would contend that they are directly related.Dave Schwartz

    I would contend that that is because there are near 40% winning favorites. The problem is that if you are using a line as a selection, you won't get many longshots.
  • Dave Schwartz
    I would contend that that is because there are near 40% winning favorites. The problem is that if you are using a line as a selection, you won't get many longshots.[/b.RanchWest

    Exactly right.

    And that is reality.

    Meaning, the "best horse" in the race SHOULD BE THE FAVORITE most of the time.
  • Mark
    I understand how the software works, what I'm asking is can you make it automatically sort on the odds line so every race you don't have to sort on the odds line all the time. This way each race it just automatically sorts on the odds line.
  • Steven
    Edited to delete my original response to your message.

  • Mark
  • Steven
    I'll put this here and in the Ultimate Odds Line thread but here is Tom's Ultimate Odds Lince Calculator V2.5 WITH COLLECTIVE SPEED! No complete instructions yet (if I get there) but there is a new button "COLLECTIVE SPEED" and a new column "COLL".

    The COLL column is just the sum of all of the horses speed figures as per Dave and when you double click a race you'll get a single race view but if you click the "COLLECTIVE SPEED" button, you will get a complete card view. And I don't want to to make this too easy, so you may have to click the "COLL" heading a couple of times to get them in descending order.

    Post questions and comments in here please.
  • Dave Schwartz

    You are awesome, dude! :up: :up:
  • RanchWest
    Post questions and comments in here please.Steven

    What is Twin%
  • Steven
    Trainer Win Percentage
  • Mark
    Question about Collective Speed! If one horse has 10 races and the speed total is 583 and another horse has 2 races with a total of 180, what's the purpose of Collective Speed? I'm not understanding the purpose of totaling up all the speed numbers if the horse with the most starts looks superior to the runner with less starts.
  • RanchWest
    Mark, I had the same question. Also, when a jockey falls off, the SR is zero.
  • Dave Schwartz
    You guys have misunderstood Collective speed.
    Sounds like you are thinking that you are adding them up. Nope.

    If you have 10 horses, each with 10 pacelines...

    Those 100 pacelines are SORTED BY SPEED RATINGS (highest to lowest) --- INDIVIDUALLY.

    What you will find is that 94% of all winners will OWN one of the top 13 speed ratings. (This has no value because there is no such thing as a low-odds horse who doesn't qualify. LOL)

    You will also find (as I said in another thread) that a LONGSHOT (really 10/1 and up; used to be 8/1) who has a speed rating in the top 6 can be bet to place.
  • RanchWest
    I'm lost.

    Looking at the 4/17 WO race 6 with Multicaps file (BRIS). #1 has a COLL column amount of 613. That equals the total of the 10 speed ratings for that horse, including a zero for a race in which that horse lost his rider.

    There is a button for COLLECTIVE SPEED. When I press that button, all of the horses for the day are listed (sorted) with each showing the value found in the COLL column.

    What am I missing?
  • Dave Schwartz
    What am I missing?RanchWest

    I guess Multi-Caps Collective Speed is not the same as MY Collective Speed.
  • Dave Schwartz
    PS: I like mine better. :):
  • Dave Schwartz
    Here's a race with 3 double-digit horses, but only 1 qualified as having a speed rating in the top 6. He paid a nice place price at 10/1.

  • RanchWest
    I am referring to the collective speed in UOL, not Multicaps. There is no collective speed in Multicaps.

    In other words, what you are describing does not seem to me to be the same thing that s implemented in UOL.

    So, I have the same question. What am I missing?
  • Dave Schwartz
    In other words, what you are describing does not seem to me to be the same thing that s implemented in UOL.RanchWest

    Sorry. When I heard COLLECTIVE SPEED, since I've never heard of anyone other than me using those words, I assumed the discussion was about this thread.
  • RanchWest
    Sorry. When I heard COLLECTIVE SPEED, since I've never heard of anyone other than me using those words, I assume the discussion was about this thread.Dave Schwartz

    It is. This thread is about Tom's UOL.
  • Dave Schwartz
    It is. This thread is about Tom's UOL.RanchWest

    Call me self-centered.
  • RanchWest

    Threads do drift.
  • Mark
    The Softwares collective speed is just adding each runners speed ratings together. Horse A with 10 races runs a 50 speed rating in each race get's a 500. Horse B has 5 races and runs a 90 in each race get's a 450. Horse A would be rated better than B because 500 is higher than 450.
  • Steven
    Should have checked in here sooner and looks like I misunderstood the COLLECTION SPEED rating.

    Dave, if you would be so kind, would you please remove both instances of UOL2.5?

    Thank you.
  • Dave Schwartz

    I found the one above and removed it. Where is the other?
  • RanchWest
    I found the one above and removed it. Where is the other?Dave Schwartz

    Maybe in "A different speed rating"?
  • Steven
    Yes. A different speed rating. Thanks
  • Mark
    If you divided the total by the number of races it could be useful!
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